Surrender – Five mInute Friday

Surrender – Five mInute Friday

I have five minutes to write about the word “surrender”. You can join too. Follow the link below.


I have always been very forthright and always wanted to fix things or get my way. Coming to Christ changed all that. Over the past 16 years He has taught me to let go – of myself, of my feelings and of my desire to do things my way.

It has been a very slow process. Two steps forward one step back. But I am moving forward.

The peace I have found during these years has been amazing. I don’t fear anymore. That was a big hangup of mine. Fear would paralyze me. As I surrendered things to God, He showed me that He has control – not me. He would look after everything. I still hesitate to do some things but I am getting better at stepping out into new arenas.

In September I went on a book tour and visited 12 classrooms in the Calgary area. After the first one I knew I felt God’s presence and I could do this and have fun.

When I surrendered to God I became free. Free to do more than I ever believed possible. (tweet this)

Surrender Surrender surrender surrender

Time’s up.

Your turn to write for 5 minutes without editing.Surrender

Today I joined Kate Motaung at Five Minute Fridays. 

She has a contest too. Check that out before Monday, November 28, 2016.



Last few hours for special deal from me. Please check out Black Friday Deal.




  1. Congratulations Janis! You are victorious. It’s amazing how fear leads us into captivity and bondage yet surrender brings freedom. Your students are the benefactors of your stepping out in a new arena.

  2. Surrendering to God certainly does give us freedom, doesn’t it? One of the many benefits He promises us in His word. Such sweetness to read about the freedom you found through surrendering to Him. – Lori
    a FMF friend

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