What This Painting Taught Me About God – A Snuggly

What This Painting Taught Me About God A 33 Dot Challenge to Encourage My Creativity – My Snuggly Photo From Pixabay As for painting, I have been challenging myself by trying to push my imagination to see things from nothing. Yikes. That’s not easy. Today is another 33 Dot Challenge. Meg Konovska got me hooked on this. Here is… Continue reading What This Painting Taught Me About God – A Snuggly


Hard Eucharisteo by Jan Cox In many of the past posts we have talked about prayer in all circumstances. This week I learned the practical reasons for this. Last week my husband’s van collided with another van at an intersection. He had a green light and had started into the intersection as another van ran… Continue reading HARD EUCHARISTEO
