CAN I TAKE A RISK? – Five-Minute Friday

Can I take a Risk?

When my husband decided he wanted to start his own business in 1987 I encouraged him to try it. I also helped him to incorporate, buy furniture, a computer, computer software and a telex system on the computer (yup that’s what we used back then). I learned how to do accounts payable, receivable and take orders. I went back to teaching to give us a solid footing for a few years.

Was it worth it?– positively!

We decided on the old philosophy – nothing ventured – nothing gained. Any what ifs we had, we put them aside. We said things like, “Well we can both go back to work – selling and teaching.” “ We can downsize and buy a townhouse or condominium.”

We sold this company in 2001 and took early retirement. Not content to just lay around, we opened a bed and breakfast and enjoyed that for 4 years.

This year it is my turn to take a risk. I have written and illustrated a children’s book called Tadeo Turtle.

Tadeo Turtle - Written and Illustrated by Janis Cox
Tadeo Turtle – Written and Illustrated by Janis Cox

(That is pronounced TAHD-ay-OH.) Now I have found a publisher/marketer – Word Alive. I signed the contract today.

Do I wonder what will happen? YES.

Do I wonder, “What if it fails?” YES.

But I know this is what I am supposed to do.

I woke up last night after many days of praying, talking it out with God and my husband. I heard clearly in complete sentences – not thoughts as I usually hear them in my head.

“Jan, I have given you the words and the pictures. I have prepared you for this moment. You know I will be with you every step of the way. Take your story Tadeo Turtle and go with Word Alive and make this story known to children.”

Risk is good – it means taking a step forward.

On Facebook this morning I saw this beautiful wall hanging. I can’t find anyone who claims it as theirs.

Choose to use Your Wings
Choose to use Your Wings

The word choose has been in my vocabulary this week as studied Grace Fox’s Bible study, Moving From Fear to Freedom. One strategy that she gives is, WE NEED TO CHOOSE, and in this case I choose to believe that this is what God wants me to do.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13 KJV).

I am linking to the Gypsy Mama again this week. I can’t believe how the words she chooses fit into exactly what is happening in my life.

Five MInute Fridays



  1. How do you subscribe her , jan? Cant find a link… 🙂
    Like the turtle- any one we recognise 🙂

  2. Way to go, Jan! I sort of know how you feel. If you need any reassurance, a friend from church recently illustrated a couple of kids picture books written by her sister and published through Word Alive Press. My friend has nothing but good to say of the experience. The books are selling well too.

  3. Hi Jan – Will be praying for you as you take this leap. I know these risks are scary. I very spontaneously sent an excerpt of my YA fantasy to Steve Laube and made an appointment to see him at W!C. I was shaking in my boots to use the cliche, but he loved it and wants to see the full ms. I just sent it off to a friend and she made a great suggestion so now doing a re-write before sending it to him. This ms. has been hiding in my computer for more than 10 years! But God confirmed this is the time. EEEK! 🙂
    I have loved working with Word Alive – they’re great people. Evan was my editor and he did a super job. Be sure to let us know when we can get a copy. Blessings as you go! Marcia

  4. I commend you for taking the risk. May it be a blessed experience. I’ve been hesitating with Word Alive for nearly a year. I admire your courage.

    1. Courage and listening to God – I choose to believe that this is what He wants. If I don’t do it I will never know, will I?
      Continue to pray and ask Him what He wants you to do.

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