Connecting the Dots

33 Dots that’s how it started – connecting the dots

connecting the dots
Photo by Sergiu Vlena on Unsplash

My artwork challenge of 33 dots expands my mind, my thinking and my connection to God. And another fact, Jesus died at age 33. I didn’t clue into that fact when I started the challenge. Meg Konovska reminded me of this.

What do you see?

33 dots
The dots connected.
connecting the dots
I saw a frog.
connecting the dots
My final painting.

I looked up information on frogs:

My Frog:

Joy is what the whole world is looking for.

But, we know that the real JOY comes from Jesus.

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The open tomb says it all:

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My frog is singing:

My frog has good eyes and ears:

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Also published on Medium.


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