Sunday Stillness – Ezekiel 1:23



“When they moved I heard
their wings—it was like
the roar of a great waterfall,
like the voice of
The Strong God,
like the noise of a battlefield” (Ezekiel 1:23, The Message).

If you have a post about a Scripture or what God has spoken to you or is teaching you, please link below. If you are new to “linking” please see the Rules for Sunday Stillness.



  1. I LOVE the sound of rushing water, and now to think of it as the same sound of the voice of our Lord – amazing 🙂 I found you from Barbie’s link up and just grabbed your button to join in your link up next week! Happy Monday!

    1. Veronica,
      I will not think of water falling the same way either. The rush I heard when I heard this waterfall was extremely powerful. God was definitely speaking to us while we were there.

  2. Wow… I had not read this before and just went to read the whole passage. While I believe Ezekial was shown these things, my mind can’t even comprehend what it may have looked like. Thank you for pointing me to a portion of Scripture I have a lot to learn from.

    1. Kim,
      As I looked up “waterfalls” I found this in the Message so I had not heard it either the way it says here. I found it a powerful passage as well. Sometimes the picture leads me to a verse; other times a verse leads me to search for a picture.

  3. What a powerful image for that verse. I really appreciate the invitation to join your community “Sunday Stillness”…I can see that it will be a blessing.

    1. Rose,
      You are a great friend and encourager. I always appreciate your comments. We need to email each other and catch up on our lives.

  4. This is such great food for thought. We sometimes are so focused on the still, small voice that we forget that the God of creation can roar too! Thanks for the reminder, Janis!

    1. Thanks Mia,
      This waterfall if my memory serves me correctly was taken while in the Czech republic – we couldn’t even hear ourselves speak – such was the noise that it made.

    1. Marty,
      Thanks for linking. The strength of God – but a waterfall is so much less – isn’t it? So how much more powerful is our God? The only way we humans can even start to fathom His power is through His creation.

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