Watchful Wednesdays – How to Meet Jesus

Watchful Wednesdays – How to Meet Jesus



Meet Me in early morning splendor. I eagerly await you there (Jesus Calling, August 16).

Yes, as I look through my windows the sun is draped in fog. I can see it trying to burn through. But it takes time.

Meeting Jesus is like that – it takes time for the Son to shine through. I read my Bible – I study His Word. I ask Him questions. I pray for others. But then just as the sun starts to shine through the fog, I sense His Presence in the room. A peace comes. In the stillness He is there.

When you see My Face in response to My love call, both of us are blessed (Jesus Calling, August 16). (tweet this)

Do you know Jesus? Have you asked Him to be Lord of your life? He will reveal Himself to you if you ask Him. That is all He is waiting for. He is waiting for you to ask Him. Do it now.



  1. Yes, I understand this watching and waiting. I have been doing that a little more lately. I am busy watching for His presence to show up and He is waiting for me to stop and rest in His presence that is already there. I am learning rest, and peace, and trust, and faith in the process. God is good!

  2. Wonderful! And, He is always there, in our Presence. Sometimes, we are the fog. When we push ourselves aside, we find that He never left our sides. Blessings! I’m so glad I found you, over at Michelle’s Doing Well Wednesday.

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