The story of how Jesus altered my mainspring
Updated 2021 first published 4 years ago: I read again a devotional by Oswald Chambers today about how Jesus resets my mainspring. I thought I would republish the post.
I have had the privilege of being a short-term missionary five times. This is my look back on how my life changed with Jesus and how He altered my mainspring of life.
As I look back 16 years to the day after I said, “Okay, Jesus, I will be Yours”, I can see great progress in my attitudes – particularly in my trust and patience.
I know that Jesus altered my mainspring that morning.
If I think of a computer when the CPU is not working effectively, the technician can tinker with it but until he does a complete overhaul to the main board, a restart, – it won’t work at top efficiency.
Jesus does not alter human nature: He alters its mainspring (Oswald Chambers, July 24).
Jesus had to restart my life – he left my personality, and my physical being the same.
But I became NEW with Jesus added to my life.
And when I think back, He even changed my physical being as I am no longer stiff and sore. I no longer have serious back issues or knee issues. My personality may be the same but He has added more self-control to my being.
I needed to be made NEW by the supernatural grace of God.
Jesus says – if you are My disciple you must be right not only in your living, but in your motives, in your dreams, the the recesses of your mind ( Oswald Chambers, July 24)”
The great marvel of Jesus Christ’s salvation is that He alters heredity. (Oswald Chambers, July 24)
Ponderings from my mission trips to Poland:
What did I learn personally?
- I don’t need so much social media.
- I need to interact with real people.
- God will give me everything I need in all situations.
- I can absorb criticism and not be personally hurt.
- I can rely totally on Jesus for my life.
- Listening to God is the very best!
What did I see?
- a team praying and working together
- peace in all situations
- laughter – grumpy faces turning into joyful faces
- hearts melted towards others and God
- lives open to the possibility of learning about God by reading the Bible themselves
- rainy weather forecasts turned aside – sun shone (after prayer)
Thanks for showing me how much people mean to me. Thanks for using me to reach out to others. Thanks for the strength to do more than I could normally do. Thanks for being my God. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Jesus does not alter human nature; He alters the mainspring. (tweet this)
I know Jesus altered my mainspring that morning. (tweet this)
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How inspiring! God has the ability to fix us like no one could.
Absolutely Lux. And He keeps that mainspring in good working order too.
You have an awful lot of wisdom for someone who is only 13 years old in Jesus. 🙂
I find it totally amazing how quickly I have learned and understood the Bible. There is so much more to learn each day but when God wants me to know something He makes it very very clear. I believe in the mainspring adjustment He opened the gateway to understand spiritual knowledge. That is the gateway I had kept closed for 50 years.
Blessings to you,
Such a blessing to have had the chance to go to Poland and to know God’s Presence in so much and through so many.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
It sounds like the trip to Poland was a real blessing to you and to those you encountered there! I love this Chambers quote. Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Amen. What a tremendous grace and freedom He brings to our lives! He’s constantly molding and shaping us, conforming us into His image. Thanks Jan!