Constant Communication?

I listened to a speaker last night talk about her trips to Nicaragua. She had thought that the “purpose” of the mission is to dig wells. However, she told us that instead of that being the case – they didn’t even get water on her first trip – an important element of the mission  is to grow the missionaries.

The speaker whom I will call BM, travelled with her daughter on her first trip. BM told us that she and her daughter will never be the same. Both of their eyes were open to the love, caring and hope of the Nicaraguan people.

These people had nothing of worldly use but they were filled with God’s love and joy. They were blessed far beyond the North American comforts. God was in their hearts – they are Spirit-filled. They pray without ceasing because they know they cannot exist without His presence.

That’s what I found on my mission trips to Poland. When I left my North American comfort zone I had to rely on God. That led to daily prayers – on-going conversations with Jesus.

Can we do that here at home? Can we live in constant communication with God when we have so many things to distract us from His presence?

I believe we can – with discipline and perseverance.

In Living Prayer, we are encouraged to find our own pattern of prayer to practice different methods until we discover how we can best communicate with God. What time of day is best for you? Do you use interruptions as a call to prayer (being put on hold on the phone, lineups at the store, traffic lights)? Do you follow a pattern (PATH,  ACTS,  SHELTER )?

If you feel you don’t “pray enough”, I encourage you this week to try a few of the above ideas.

Remember that “prayer helps strengthen our “muscles” of faith so we can cope with life’s challenges”. (Upper Room Devotional, Feb. 25. 2006) Prayer helps us work with God to build a life of faith.


With all that goes on here in our lives – the television, the radio, the phone calls, work, play, food, clothes, toys, recreation etc. – we find it difficult to remember to talk to You, Father. Help us to become more disciplined to communicate with you. Help us to find the best way to connect with You. We pray this in Jesus’ name. AMEN
