Yoj’s Sock Doll

How to Make Yoj’s Sock Doll

Yoj's sock doll



I worked hard on the instructions in The Kingdom of Thrim to make them easy to understand. You can find the complete instructions as an activity at the back of the book.

What I have learned after making a few of these little guys are the following:

  • Choose socks that have the same length of foot as ankle.
  • Stuff tightly (I didn’t do this on this first one – and second, and third. but finally I got it.)
  • Roll the legs and arms between your hands to move the stuffing into position.
  • Use invisible thread when sewing arms and head piece (unless you have exactly the same thread, and are an excellent hand sewer).
  • I don’t use a stocking inside the head as shown in some of the books. I don’t find it necessary.

I have found a ton of resources on Pinterest in making sock dolls. My friend makes sock monkeys and uses the sock differently. Try and experiment with the best method for you.

Any questions please email me at Janis. Have fun!

Here is my latest one:

Sock Doll
