Since I am away in Poland I am reposting one of the top posts. Hope you enjoy.
Weird, because my Normal wasn’t working
Is your “normal” working for you? I am searching for a better way – God’s way.
Before I turned to Jesus whole-heartedly I was very much a Martha, a control-driven, have-to-keep-busy person. I am still a Martha, but I have found my Mary, too.
When I was given an assignment to “sit still for five minutes and listen to God” – I failed, miserably. My mind could not slow down. I kept thinking, “I have to do… such and such.” and my mind kept going.
Then the dog barked. That was the end of my first attempt.
What did I do? I tried again the next morning, and the morning after that. Finally I decided that I needed absolute stillness – not a sound, not a chance of interruption. I needed to wake up earlier.
My mentor in Christ suggested that I ask God to wake me up. And I did – and He did. I will tell you that story in another post. I did as Jesus did.
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed” (Mark 1:35 NIVUK).
Now I didn’t leave my house as Jesus did, but I did find a solitary spot and in my quiet place I sat and waited. I tried that day after day – making myself sit for five minutes.
One day it happened – as I sat still I felt a peace, God’s hands on my shoulders. My shoulders relaxed – this was heaven. He was there!
When did you last “shut down” to the world and experience God?
Come on this journey as we try to find Him in the stillness. You will like it and God will like it too.
The idea for the title of this post came from a new book by Craig Groeschel called Weird, when your Normal isn’t Working. I found out yesterday I won one of 100 books that were given away on Michael Hyatt’s blog. I can’t wait to read his book and will tell you everything I find out.
Here is another site with a post on the same theme, called Vacate.

Oh I wish I could follow my own advice. My mind is still going a mile a minute. The only difference with me now is that I try not to get upset when time begins to crunch in …!!
So thought provoking. My mind too, goes a mile a minute, but I will try to discipline myself to do as you have done.