Do You Pray for Wisdom?
by Violet Nesdoly (reprinted in part – with permission)
TODAY’S SPECIAL: James 1:1-27
TO CHEW ON: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5
If you’re like me you know this verse, have it memorized, and claim it often as you go through life. Let’s take a close look at its various parts.
Wisdom is the thing we feel we lack and are after here. My Bible commenter explains this request in the context of the book of James:
The wisdom which may be had by asking ‘in faith’ is not intellectual knowledge or philosophical speculation but spiritual understanding of the purpose of trials – John Mark Ruthven, New Spirit-Filled Life Bible notes on James, p. 1751.
Personally I have claimed this promise as one that encompasses more than only the understanding of trials. The meaning of wisdom gives us an idea of its scope:
Wisdom – sophia means “practical wisdom, prudence, skill, comprehensive insight, Christian enlightenment, insight into the true nature of things” – Dick Mills, Word Wealth, NSFLB, p. 1501.
Read the rest of Violet’s post in which she cautions us about asking for wisdom. There are some things we need to be careful of. Read her post at Violet Nesdoly.
Violet Nesdoly
Violet freelances in several genres and has been published in a variety of print and online publications.
Her articles, stories, and activities have appeared in Keys for Kids, Devotions for Girls, Devotions for Boys, Clubhouse, Guide, Primary Treasure, Partners, Pockets and others. She has also published two books of poetry and is an avid blogger. She is a member of Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship and a professional member of The Word Guild.