Growing through God’s Word Reviews

Growing through God’s Word

Every author loves reviews. Not only does it boost the writers’ self-esteem, but it also boosts the book rating on Amazon and will be promoted more. Also, it gives new potential buyers an opportunity to see what others are saying.  See more on


This book makes you feel like you’re having a conversation with Janis. She shares her wisdom in a conversational way and it is very thought-provoking. ~ Pia Finn Amazon

Personal anecdotes on the topic, backed by Scripture verses, illustrations from the author’s own bible, challenges, and questions to think about involve the reader on many levels.. I believe these short study topics can be returned to time and again to gain more insight into our walk with God. I appreciated the resources listed at the end to enable me to go deeper into the topics to grow deeper in my relationship with God. Jan adds a personal touch by offering to pray for us, the readers, at the end of each section. A book I would recommend having and using for personal Bible study and reflection.  ~ Carol Harrison , inspirational speaker, published author and storyteller.

