Sunday Stillness – Six Important Things to Remember When Studying Scripture
I am taking a little break from studying Titus. We are preparing in the next couple of weeks to relocate back home to Haliburton. This always takes more thought and time than I realize.
Today for Sunday Stillness, I will tell you about the study I have been in for the last 3 weeks. We have been reading and studying through passages that tell us about God and the Gospel. We been asked to find the answers to these questions:
- What do you learn about God?
- What do you learn about man?
- What do you learn about the Gospel?
It has been a lot of reading, underlining and prayer to try to understand all of this.
This week our questions are:
- What is the bad news for which the Good News (the Gospel) is the remedy?
- Write 2-3 sentences to answer the question: What is the Gospel?
Here are the references we used, if you want to try this exercise:
John 1:1-18, 3:1-36, 6:25-40, 10:20-50
Romans 1:1-32, 3:9-31, 4:1-7:6
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
2 Corinthians 5:1-21
Galatians 1:1-17, 2:11-21, 3:1-4:11
Ephesians 1:1-2:22, 4:1-5, 17-24,5:1-21
Philippians 1:1-11, 3:1-11
Colossians 1:1-23, 2:6-15, 3:1-17
Titus 2:1-3:8
Hebrews 8:1-10:39
James 2:14-26
We were given 6 important things to remember when studying Scripture:
1. Prayer – It is always important to ask God first to open the Scripture for you.
2. The Context – Always consider the context. Don’t take a passage out of the context to try to get it to fit your point of view.
3. Background – Use the 5 Ws, where, what, why, when, who. Find out the culture of the times, the idioms and the history.
4. Different Translations: Read through different translations.
5. Cross-references – These are other verses that correspond to the verse you are studying. Check them out.
6. Commentaries – First work on the passage by yourself and ask God to help you figure it out. Next check at least 3 commentaries (expert opinions) and then compare with your thoughts.
Father, it is so important that we study your Word. We thank You that we can ask You to help us. We also thank other experts who have gone before us to help us to understand more fully what we read. Help us as we continue to grow closer to You. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
I will tell you next week what I have found out. In the meantime tell me what you think about this type of study.
Have a wonderful Sunday Stillness.
How do you study the Scripture? Studying in big chunks this time. (tweet this)
Please link your post about what God has been teaching you. And please remember to visit your neighbour, leave comments and get to know more people in this group. We are a growing community of believers.
Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. Available in Kindle Format, in bookstores, online and from her website. Curriculum available upon request.
You can find her on Facebook, and Twitter. Tadeo has his own Facebook Page.
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I like your outline of how to go through scripture. I wish that I had more time to follow these steps as I read scripture. I really like using a study bible to give me backstory or insight into the why behind the words. Thank you for sharing this at The Weekend Brew.
Yes I realize it takes time but I think that one line learned well is better than rushing through it. Even with the big chunks of Scripture we went into it quite thoroughly. I think you would really like Ed Hird’s book Restoring Health – based on Titus. I have told some of the background in my posts but he tells so much more.
Hi Janis, how did you enjoy your weekend?
Thank you for the link up!
Blessings to you
We had a wonderful time on our trip. Thank you so much for asking.
These are great essentials that we need to be looking for and aware of as we study God’s word, Janis. I’m glad that you are pointing them out, since not many people take them into account when they read the Bible. Thanks also for the linkup!
As I learn I try to teach what I learn. It helps me to remember them too.
Blessings to you,
Jan so much to study! Our ladies Bible study group is studying women of the Bible. Tomorrow I lead the study on the Queen of Sheba. Amazing how one paragraph can lead to so much research. Bless you as you delve into the Word
You are welcome. I read a great book on the women of the Bible – I think it was by Francine Rivers. And yes one line even can bring so much information if we let the Lord help us to apply it to our lives.
Janis, thank you for sharing your tips on how to approach studying the Bible. Very helpful. And all the best with your packing and getting back to the cold north. We got blasted with snow again yesterday and it was Minus 15 below earlier this morning. 🙂
You are most welcome for the tips – I am learning them too. Could you please get rid of most of the snow and bring on the warmer weather. Yikes.
Janis, what great reminders for me when I’m studying scripture. I tend to be in such a hurry! Have a great day and thanks for the linkup! Kim Stewart
I used to do that too. Press on and press through but I was finding it didn’t sink in. My SIMPLE study helped me with individual passages or short verses. This study being whole chunks really brought everything into a clarity I didn’t see before.
Hi Janis, I am grateful for the tips you shared.
Have a great week.
Thank you for dropping by and commenting. May your studying be deep.
I love this kind of in-depth study! It’s similar to the Kay Arthur Inductive studies.
Yes it reminded me of Kay Arthur’s too except we didn’t do all the special colours and underlining. We were only looking for the specific answers to the questions.
I like the idea of using more than one translation of the Bible, and also using the cross references. Context is important too as are your other reminders. Thanks for your invitation to post my entry on your lovely site.
I hadn’t thought of the cross-references until this study.
Excellent study suggestions, Janis! Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Thanks Laurie,
I am trying very hard to go deeper into the Word.