How to Have a Chance to Win a $100 Amazon card and books In the next two weeks I will be featuring three writers of Christian fiction from the John 3:16 Network – Cheryl Colwell, Barbara Ann Derksen and Molly Noble Bull. Each one writes Christian mystery/suspense. Even though this is not my genre of… Continue reading How to Have a Chance to Win a $100 Amazon card and books
Tag: contest
Do You Want a Chance to Win Tadeo Turtle?
Do You Want a Chance to Win Tadeo Turtle? Hallee Bridgeman interviewed me this week. Some of the questions that she asked were: Who was your first Screen/Musical Crush? Who were some of your favorite authors as a child? (Book series, maybe?) What made you take the plunge and finally publish Tadeo Turtle? To read… Continue reading Do You Want a Chance to Win Tadeo Turtle?
Do You Like Contests?
Do You LIke Contests? It seems I have entered a few contests in the past few weeks and won. Read to the bottom to see how you can win too.