Remember to add thankfulness to your prayers
“Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God” (Psalm 50:14, NIV).
“But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me” (Psalm 50:23, NIV).
I want to honour God and one way I can do this is by giving Him thanks.
Remember to try the acronym P.A.T.H. when you pray. The “T” is for thankfulness.
Praise, Admit, THANK, Help
Use P.A.T.H. to help you pray. Read @fitforfaith’s post. “T” is for thankfulness. (tweet this)
Kimberley Payne
Kimberley is a motivational speaker and author. Her writings relate raising a family, pursuing a healthy lifestyle, and everyday experiences to building a relationship with God. Through her work, Kimberley hopes to inspire people to live lives that glorify God. You can visit her website at