Watchful Wednesday – Angie Webb
Today I have a guest blogger, Angie Webb. Please welcome her. You can’t help but like her by just looking at her wonderful smile.
Yet, then God reminded me:
I am far from broken; because He is doing a new thing in my heart (based on Proverbs 27:19)
I am far from rejection: because He will never leave me nor forsake me (based on Deuteronomy 31:6)
I am not lost: because He sent His son to die on the cross for me (based on John 3:16)
I am to not be afraid: because He has called me out of the darkness and into the light.
(based on 1 Peter 2:9)
I am not hopeless: because hope always wins with God on my side (based on Psalm 62:5)
After living a life full of fear, anxiety and eventually agoraphobia, my heart broke daily for all of the life I was missing out on, whether it was with my children, husband or friends. There always seemed to be a part of life that I just was not able to be a part of because of the bondage I was in. Fear had a grip on me that I could not seem to break free from. I so desperately wanted to be free but it always seemed to be out of my reach.
In August 2012, God did a wondrous miracle in my life. I was set free from all of the anxiety, fear, panic attacks and agoraphobia. My family has made three vacation trips since that time. After 15 years of not traveling at all, we are making up for lost time.
I want to offer you hope today. Even when it feels like we are beyond God’s reach; He is still there. He hasn’t forgotten us and nor does He not hear our prayers.
Our prayers are so important to Him, but often we forget that His timing is perfect. (click to tweet)
Maybe we feel like we are ready for the miracle we are so desperately seeking but maybe we do not see the whole picture. I don’t think I was truly ready for the freedom before August 2012 even though I desperately prayed for the freedom to come. I truly believe that God had everything lined up perfectly and had prepared my heart to move out of the past so I could be ready for the wonderful freedom He has granted me today.
I wasn’t ready because I was still living in the past and I certainly was not ready for the doors that God has opened by the sharing of my story. Was I ready for freedom in 2012? Yes and the freedom I have found is so sweet.
Friend, I want to offer you hope. Nothing is lost, even our brokenness and hopelessness. He sees it all and knows our hearts. Keep praying and believing for your miracle. Today it may be NO but who knows, tomorrow it may be YES.
Until then:
Keep believing
That nothing is lost
Ashes of a life not fully lived.
Because today is a new day and His mercies are new every morning.
Angie Webb
Angie has been married to her high school sweetheart, Mike from the age of 18 years old. Mike and Angie have walked through many trials and joy together. After 30 years of marriage they are more in love and cherish each moment of the day together. Life is sweeter when holding the hand of the one you love.
Angie and Mike have two grown sons and three grandchildren, as well as their 5 dogs Angie has had several jobs along the way but some of her favorites have been the time she was employed by her towns’ local library.
Connecting with the local patrons and interacting with other avid book lovers was the highlight of her time at the library. She has also worked in a grocery store for many years and knows everyone by a first name basis. Today, Angie and her husband own their own business, Texas Overhead Door & Construction, which keeps them both very busy. In her free time Angie enjoys writing and speaking about her journey through the trials of life as well as the healing God has performed in her life.
Angie is in the process of writing a book about her journey through fear, anxiety and agoraphobia which has a working topic of When Your Home Becomes a Prison: Out of Fear and Agoraphobia.
Angie’s hobbies are crafts, acrylic painting and cooking for family and friends.
Connect with Angie at Facebook
and Angie on Twitter

What a wonderful story Angie. Yes, God does have perfect timing. Rose Harmer
Thank you, Rose