Today I have a guest blogger who willing let me repost from her post on (In)Courage. It touched my heart as I have found myself in this situation. (Not as much lately – but certainly for many, many years) Welcome Kristen Welch.
Why Your Husband May Want to Live on the Roof
by Kristen Welch from We are That Family.
It was our fourth year of youth ministry. We had a huge missions pledge for our youth group and we needed an epic idea to raise it.
My hubby’s epiphany: Sleep on the Roof.
For every thousand dollars, he agreed to spend one night on the roof of the church.
I was so proud.
(What can I say? We were very young and very dumb).
Money poured in and he pitched a tent on the roof….only to be begged down by board members and parents due to bad weather and um, the possibility of rolling off. I think he was disappointed. I was relieved.
But I will tell you, there have been many days since that my hubby would have gladly packed up backpack, climbed a ladder and camped out on our roof.
And not to raise money.
It would have to been to get away from me.
To read the whole article…. and you do have to read the whole article – it is amazing.

I love the title. And boy, is it true! I often pray, “Lord, may I do my husband good all the days of my life” (Proverbs 31:12, NIV).
Stephanie I love that quote. I will write that down. It is so easy to forget to “do good” to the ones we love. Remember the song, “We always hurt the ones we love”?