A Vision
by Ramona Furst
“How do you do it?” asked my darling civil engineering husband.
“Get that pattern from the paper onto those tiny squares in the material? You haven’t been cross stitching for, well, twenty-five years or so. Pretty ambitious Amish pattern to use after such a long time away from it. How long will it take?”
As he waited for me to answer, I thought to myself, How do YOU do it? Figuring out all the designs, loads, calculations; meeting standards and codes, that in due time will somehow materialize into highways and bridges?
Experience builds in us the belief that what seems impossible to comprehend by others, and at times even to us – ridiculous and somewhat overwhelming – can and will get done.
My project, your project, those visions and goals God’s called us to do with our lives often seem unbelievable. Praying that like Abraham we will believe God when we don’t know the wheres, don’t know the hows and don’t know whys of all our questions and for our next steps in life.
“For still the vision awaits its appointed time…” (Habakkuk 2:2EST)
Quotes are from B. Manning’s Ruthless Trust and Souvenirs of Solitude
Ramona Furst
Ramona resides in North Bay, Ontario. She has spent many years in Pastoral Care especially in Palliative Care and in Bereavement support groups. Ramona is a member of TWG (The Word Guild) and considers it an honour to be a part of the TWG prayer team. She divides her time water colouring (www.ramonafurst.com ) and writing and makes effort to enjoy God’s creation and each season throughout the year by hiking, kayaking, and cross country skiing.