Christmas Reflections
I love the way we count the days until Christmas especially the Advent Sundays. This past week has been God our Hope. Isn’t that wonderful. We can hope because God gives us that HOPE in Jesus.
As we put up our manger scene this year I thought about the babe in the manger. As I gently placed him on His bed – I thought how awesome God that You placed Yourself in such a vulnerable position; how this shows us HOPE – because we are so vulnerable as well. I can know hope because of what You have done for us. Hallelujah!
In the second Sunday we see God as God our LOVE. We know how much You love us as we acknowledge that You sent Your Son to us. Your love abounds. We see it in the faces of people we love; in the music that is played; in the Scriptures that we read. Hallelujah!
Next comes God our JOY. Yes, anticipation of a family gathering – watching the grandchildren interact. The kisses and the hugs. Laughter and chatting. Being with each other. But I also see joy in the faces of the clerks in the stores when I say, “Merry Christmas”. I see joy as I thank God for each little gift during the day. What blessings. Hallelujah!
And finally God our PEACE. This babe that is born in a stable becomes the Light of the world. He becomes our peace. He is the King of Kings. I know Him and I can feel that peace at all times. Praise God for sending Jesus to us. Hallelujah!
As we celebrate Jesus’ birth let us remember what really is Christmas – God giving us His Son. Let us not forget this – for this is what is important and a reason to celebrate.
Merry Christmas.

Oh, we need the reminders that He is our hope, our love, our joy and our peace! Because of Him we can live. Thanks for this!