Two months have passed since I started Under the Cover of Prayer. Thank you to the many readers who have followed the postings. Also a big thank you to my bloggers for willing sending me their posts.
I hope you have been inspired to learn more about prayer. Although no comments are allowed I am interested in finding out what you like, dislike and what you have learned. I would also be interested in what you want to know about prayer.
Any comments that are received will be in the next post. Please send your thoughts, ideas and inspirations to Under the Cover of Prayer.
Talk to God
Luke 11:1
“Lord, teach us to pray”
While walking our 6-month old puppy, Snowball, I thought about how I keep saying to people, “she is just a little puppy”, because she doesn’t walk–she runs, jumps and hops. But, she is learning. She still chews Kleenex, would demolish the toilet paper if I let her and she has so much energy she needs to be let free to romp and play. Teaching Snowball to know my voice and pay attention to me will train her to be a happy contented dog.
I wonder if God sees us like that. When he sees us doing things he would rather us not do, does he think … Oh I know they are just little “puppies”. Then he calls us, and tenderly leads us back on the right path. Sometimes we need a stronger tug on the leash, to make that correction. Sometimes we might get hurt when we don’t listen to His voice.
The closer my conversation is with God, the more at peace I feel and the less likely I will make poor decisions. Prayer has taught me that. Prayer is conversation with God. The more I practice the more I converse–and the more I converse the more I learn.
I challenge you today, if you are not a converser with our Father, to start a conversation with Him on a more regular basis. Choose to pray. Pick times in your day that you can sit and have a quiet talk. Decide when you walk to speak to Him about everything and anything. Make a note in your Day-Timer – “TALK TO GOD”.
May you have a God-filled day.
Lord, help us to learn to converse with You more. Help us to know to come to you at all times – not just in the crunch of troubles. Guide us. Lead us. Comfort us. Be with us. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.