Prayer as Supplication and Intercession
Carolyn Myss, in her book, Entering the Castle, cautions us not to pray casually as prayers do not fall on deaf ears.
Praying to God for others—intercession, and praying to God for our own needs—supplication, are legitimate forms of prayer and are to be taken very seriously.
When we say a prayer for the needs of another or for our own needs, we set in motion the means whereby God’s answer can be brought about.
John O’Donahue, in his book, Eternal Echoes, says: Prayer changes space… Physical space is full of distance… In spiritual space there is no distance. A prayer offered for someone in New Zealand reaches her as swiftly as the prayer offered for someone right beside you.
No prayer goes unheard, and no prayer goes unanswered. When we make a prayer request to God, an answer is given. God’s answers are given without sound and fury; they are given in simplicity and are discerned in quiet anticipation. We need to practice waiting in silence upon God so that we can become attuned to the way in which he speaks to us and answers our prayers.