So many scriptures have the word “joy” in them. I read that “joy” is found 155 times in KJV.
This is Advent Week Three – Joy

Therefore, Joy must be important to God.
He created us to feel that emotion. He also blessed us with the Holy Spirit so we can feel joy even when we don’t feel happy. Weird eh?
As I study 3 passages a day, I am learning so much about God, about me and about my relationship with others. I also joined Kimberley Payne’s challenge to read through the book of Luke this Advent Season. Challenged for sure.
I wrote this abecedarian after reading Psalm126,
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy. (Psalms 126:2, NIV)
I also read Habakkuk 3:2-6, Philippians 3:12-16
Don’t return to old ways.
Encounter new things
Find hope, peace, joy and love.
God is always here.
Head down His pathway,
Interested in what He shows us.
Jesus beckons.
Keep believing.
Look beyond ourselves.
Make every effort to
Notice God at work.
Open our eyes, Lord.
Protect us.
Quieten our hearts before You, Lord.
Return to Your ways and Your path.
Silence the devil’s tongue.
Take up the armour of God.
Ultimate goal – to be with You.
Vacate places that encumber us.
Watch for snares of the devil.
eXamine our hearts with
©Janis Cox 2020
Let’s look for joy each day.
Let’s start the new year by counting our blessings. Join me on Facebook and we will have a thread once a week to list the blessings you see.
Janis Cox Facebook – if you are not a friend, message me with “Want to count our blessings 2021” and I will accept your friendship.

I loved the beginning: “After Bad COVID, Don’t return to old ways.” YES!
Thanks Lila,,
For your words and your help with the missing “y” and for helping me to see it’s hard to see the black.