Can I Learn God’s Holy Word?
by Janis Cox
Have you ever been told by God that something is important?
I find that when I get something shown to me in a number of ways and at different times – I am supposed to pay attention.
I am a stubborn creature.
I am the king of excuses.
I want to do my thing.
I want the easier way out.
Last year, Ann Voskamp challenged her followers to memorize Colossians – the whole book. I tried, really I did. I even tried working online with Scripture Typer.
But, I got sidetracked.
Now I can’t remember much of what I learned.
This September I attended a biblical storytelling conference. The ability of these men and women to recite Scripture and tell stories astounded me. Exciting. Powerful. I loved every minute of it. I came away pumped.
But, I got sidetracked.
I arrived in Arizona and joined the end of a Bible study based on James – Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore. Part of the challenge of this study was to memorize the Book of James. I didn’t even try. Lots of excuses.
This past Tuesday we heard three women recite the Book of James. Powerful. Exciting.
And to top it off – one of the questions in our study was:
What is holding you back from following what God has set for you to do?
So I am trying again.
One tip I received:
- Read the Scripture
- Write the Scripture
- Build on it as you memorize (like practising the piano – go over it and over it – little bits – until you get it right.
- Repeat
Have you tried to memorize Scripture?
How successful have you been?
What methods do you use?
Father, You have spoken to me. I know what you want me to do. Help me to follow Your desires. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Counting to 2000 – One Thousand Gifts – Two Thousand Gifts?.
- a cloudy day with a few raindrops in the desert
- herons keeping watch
- birthday party for a Bible Babe
- getting organized (binder, place for folders)
- solutions to computer glitches
- learning to take my time
- speaking French with a friend
- Skyping my daughter and grandbaby
- BIG FAITH sermon at Broadway Christian Church
- videocam with daughter and grandchildren
- funny faces of grandchild
- daughter happy teaching kindergarten
- watching Lola and Snowball walk together
- help from different sources – God-led I am certain
- Facetime with my granddaugther
- rabbits in the desert
- God continues to wake me at 6am
- friends at The Word Guild and Inscribe
- healing of a sore back
- memories of my Mom
- reviewing One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
- “Praying with eyes wide open is the only way to pray without ceasing” – Ann Voskamp
- seeking answers by reading the Bible
- preparing to step out without fear
- goal to memorize Scripture
Jan, What I memorized as a child has stayed with me. Unfortunately, though I know a lot of scripture, I can no longer say it verbatim. Like you, I tried. I believe some people have a gift for memorization but it is not mine. But I do read it and write the Word out and meditate on it. Rose Harmer.
What I memorized as a child has stayed with me too. Also when I did vacation Bible School in the past few years the songs which were words to scripture have stuck in my head. But like you – I really have to work at memorizing now. I think I need to pray for Holy Spirit guidance. I am working slowly and carefully … repeating and repeating. Some is going in. Finally. And reading it and meditating on is important – I agree.