
Each Friday I join Lisa-Jo Baker to write for five minutes on a selected word. If you want to write try this – it is a great way to stretch yourself. We write without editing.
Drop over to Lisa Jo and join the writers.
Here goes – CONNECT
I recently returned from my 4th mission trip to Poland. Ever since the first time I have felt a strong connection to this country and the people. I have no family history from Poland. I am Canadian and 1/2 Irish.
Why do I feel this strong connection? I have pondered about that over the years. The best reason I can think of is Christ. Christ connects us to the people He wants us to know. If we let Him.
I work in Poland with a mission group of Christians – we pray together, work together and live together for 14 days. Some of the nationals that I have met I see each year – I reconnect with them – find out how they are doing and go home to pray for them.
Other connections I have made through Christ – yes there are a few. Today I am having lunch with two women, one of whom I have never met, and the other whom I have met once or twice a year – usually at the Home Show. But we have so much in common through our faith that today we are going to meet for more than a couple of minutes.
Christ can lead us to those connections. I pray each day to be used by Him – for Him to show me whom He wants me to meet.
Isn’t that what life is about – whom we meet, whom we can encourage, whom we can lead to knowing God better?
5 minutes are up.

Jesus, such a great connecter of hearts.
Amen Denise,
Thanks for stopping by.
He does create connections. He leads us to who needs us, or who we need. Great post. Hopping over from 5Minute Friday…
Thanks Renee, for hopping by. Five-Minute Fridays makes great connections, doesn’t it.
Can’t find you from my links. If you read this please give me the link to your blog.
Jesus is the grrat connector! Thanks for sharing Jan!
Yes, He led me to you and your church first – great connection and continues to grow. Thanks for reading and commenting,
It always amazes me how God can connect hearts in such deep ways. It is a beautiful gift that He gives to His children, don’t you think? Your post reminds me of why I am so passionate about missions! Thank you!
It amazes me too. I have a best friend who when she first met me thought, “I will never be a close friend of that girl.” God changed her mind. And yes I am passionate about reaching out. Have you gone on a mission? Where to?
Never judge a book by it’s cover, right? Have I gone on a mission? The short answer is yes. 🙂 The long- I went on a mission trip to Australia when I was 17. God used that to show me that He wanted me to serve Him full time. I went to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and studied Missions! I have been on 4 international trips since then and 11 years after my last one, I am headed to the Dominican Republic in November. It is a joy and a privilege to serve our great God in this way!!!
That is awesome Becky. May the Lord continue to lead you to encourage others.