Doxology and Praise
On Wednesday Judith Lawrence wrote a “Litany of Praise”. It was a poem of praise with a response.
This morning I thought of our response to the Lord’s Prayer. “For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.” This is a type of litany but it is called a doxology. I read that although these words are not found in our current Bible (sometimes in footnotes), it was found in some of Matthew’s manuscripts. It is thought to have been spoken or sung in early church congregational worship at the end of the Lord’s Prayer. It might have come from 1 Chronicles 29:11-12. It was the early church’s response of thanking and praising God.
How often do I give heartfelt praise to God?
Last week I wrote about my ride through the countryside and my opportunity to sing praises to our Lord. That day I did fully and joyfully give praise and adoration.
But can I do this daily? A suggestion is given in Maxie Dunnam’s Living Prayer that we spend a few minutes reading aloud a few of the Psalms – and then sit quietly before our God.
Here are a few Psalm suggestions: Psalm 100, 103: 1-5, 8:1, 8:3-5 and 8:9.
Try it. After spending some time resting in His presence, try to write a response or litany of your experience.
Father, help us to use Your Word to be mindful of who You are. Help us to learn gratitude, reverence and awe to be able to say with exuberance, Holy, Holy, Holy – You are God Almighty. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Here is – sung by Kari Jobe.