Who Prayed for Me?
by T. L. Wiens
Two weekends in a row I’ve had to make the seven-hour trip to Edmonton for different events. Both times, I’ve come very close to an accident and both times, I’ve thanked God for taking care of me, protecting me.
It made me wonder about who might be praying for me.
When my grandmother passed away, all of us grandchildren felt a hole in our lives. Like our guardian had left her post. My grandmother was a prayer warrior and daily prayed for each one of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Before she died, she had great-great-great grandchildren. Each one was set before God by name in my grandmother’s petitions.
In John 17, Jesus prays not only for that moment in time but for all believers that are to come. I can’t help but think some of my grandmother’s prayers are still out there, protecting the ones she loved.
God hears our prayers but we have to pray them. I’m thankful my grandmother didn’t hold back in her requests and that I am a recipient of her battles for my salvation.