His Hands – Put everything there

His Hands – Put everything there – Hope Stream Radio Podcast

During this 4th week of Lent I have been studying Mark 12:41-44. I have come to the conclusion I need to put everything in His Hands.

HIs Hands - cast all your cares
Photo from Free Digital Photos.net

His Hands - Hope Stream Radio

On Tuesdays I podcast on HopeStreamRadio. You can listen to: Putting it in His Hands by clicking on this link: Here.

I have written out the show notes for those who would rather read than listen.

Show Notes for Putting it in His Hands

 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on (Mark 12:41-44, NIV).

I noticed that Jesus sat down at a particular spot so He could see the offerings. He sat down to watch what people were doing – specifically how they gave to God.

I read that the offerings were collected in containers that looked like upside down trumpets. As Jesus watched I am sure He thought about all the people as they came into the temple. It says there was a crowd.

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God will judge the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

I try to think – what did Jesus see and hear?

He saw a crowd, which is a large number of people.

I wonder what their thoughts were?

I can hear the mental arguments as they tossed in their coins:

Oh I wish I could keep this. I could really do with a new pair of sandals instead of giving this money to the temple.

Oh I think these priests are greedy expecting me to give to them – why don’t they work like I do?

Or I could hear and see the wealthy saying to themselves:

Look everyone. Look at my fine clothes. I am helping the treasury more than anyone else here. Look how much I give.

Or we look at the woman with the two small coins and we hear:

Thank You Lord for all You are. I willingly give to You what You require of me.

Are these the thoughts that Jesus hears? If so, I have to look at myself.

What am I saying when I give? What are you saying? (click to tweet)

And let’s look at our lives – not just the offering – the money part.

Jesus asks us to give Him everything – that means our whole lives. (click to tweet)

Is there anything you are trying to keep for yourself? Are you afraid to give that to Him? Maybe He will know you a little more if you give it up. That way you are giving yourself to Him and putting your life in His Hands.

Psalm 55:22 says

Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let
the righteous be shaken.

I love the word “cast”. I can see myself throwing my cares over to Him. Hence the picture at the top of the fly fisherman. Can you cast away your cares and let the Lord deal with them?

On a personal note, I have been trying to give up control of my hubby for the Lenten season. I don’t always succeed. I think it’s because of habit and because I care about him and want the best for him. But it sounds like nagging when I do it. So once again I am laying it down and asking Jesus to help me not want to run my husband’s life.

May I pray for you and me?

Father, what we know and what we do are two different things. We know we need to give it all to you but it’s hard when we want to be in control. So today we lay down ourselves and take You up Jesus. We ask You to be the leader, Our Shepherd. We will follow You. In Your name. Amen.

Until next time, what can you learn from God’s Word. Make sure You keep reading and keep studying and of course, keep praying and listen to what God has to say. It will be life-changing.

Are you putting everything into His Hands?

I would love to hear from you. Drop me a note below. It’s always good to be connecting with new friends and old.






  1. Hey! A miracle for a Saturday! I figured out how to listen to this podcast, and listened while making lasagna for Sunday dinner! I may just find my way into the 21st century after all!

  2. Yes, tension, I’m sure will continue for most of us throughout our earthly pilgrimage. I don’t think that the tension is, in and of itself, a bad thing; surely it is a necessary thing. I’d suggest that tension arises on account of our humanness and the multitudinous situations we face day by day and our hopes, our wants and ‘druthers’ — even for perfectly legitimate and good reasons — that have to be considered in relation to God’s call and claim on our lives at any point along the way. (Hmm, that’s a lengthy, convoluted sentence!)
    That tension tests our motives and represents the challenge and work of the Cross *in* us, going beyond our acceptance of what was accomplished through the Cross’s instrumentality *for* us.
    Consider a ‘tension illustration’: The mass, length and tension of a violin’s strings, together with its wooden body and the player’s skill, produces the music. Likewise, the more than two hundred strings of an acoustic piano exert a total strain on the instrument of many tons. The tuner adjusts them, and the player calls forth the music. Tension is a necessary factor. Great post and comment Janis and Michelle. ~~+~~

  3. While I was reading I felt the tension of “put everything in” and “let go – cast it onto Jesus.” Sometimes my “putting everything in” takes a lot of effort and I get so immersed in what I’m doing that it becomes MINE! Your words remind me that I need to be always in the process of handing myself and all that I do (especially this blogging journey) over to Him!

    1. Michele,
      Tension – that’s it. That’s what I feel too. Let go. I get immersed as well. I am learning to relax, do what I can, and not get overwhelmed.

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