How Can We Battle Satan’s Strikes? Find out how to battle Satan strikes even when there is a major glitch in your plans. I have been writing on for the past two months. Sorry that I haven’t always been posting on this blog. I would ask that you drop over to my Medium page… Continue reading How Can We Battle Satan’s Strikes?
Category: Hope Stream Radio
5 Ways to Become a Watchman for God
5 Ways to Become a Watchman for God By concentrating on learning more about God I can become His watchman. Lessons on Communicating with God Colossians 4:2 says: Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. I like that idea — to devote myself to prayer — but how can I accomplish it? While studying Mark Batterson’s Draw the Circle — The 40… Continue reading 5 Ways to Become a Watchman for God
How Important is a VBS for Children?
A look at my week running a VBS How rich it is to work with kids! This summer I again had the privilege to run a VBS – Vacation Bible School. We are a small church but we had 14 children most days, aged 4-8. What amazes me is the sweetness of their hearts. They… Continue reading How Important is a VBS for Children?
How and Why I Should Stop Saying the “S” Word
A look at how what we say can affect us I never thought about it. It never occurred to me. My daughter said, “Mom you really shouldn’t say that “s” word.” Now before you start thinking that the “s” word was a swear word – it isn’t. The word she meant was “stupid”. She… Continue reading How and Why I Should Stop Saying the “S” Word
What can we learn from a tiny seed?
It’s wonderful what Creation can teach us. Did you know that from one of the smallest seeds grows one of the largest trees? The seed of the sequoia is only ¼ the size of a grain of uncooked rice. And yet it grows into the biggest tree, having roots that can cover over 2-4 acres… Continue reading What can we learn from a tiny seed?
Why are you poisoning yourself?
A lesson on forgiveness I was hurt – very hurt. Someone had said an untruth that bothered me tremendously. I felt angry, betrayed and resentful. Everything I said and touched started to turn to stone. My heart became hardened. I wanted to feel the anger – conversations always led back to how hurt I felt.… Continue reading Why are you poisoning yourself?
3 Ps for the New Year
3 Ps for the New Year On Hope Stream Radio you can listen to the entire podcast called 3 Ps for the New Year. 3Ps for the New Year – click here. Thinking back over the past 31 days that I studied the human trafficking scriptures I thought about what God had been teaching me.… Continue reading 3 Ps for the New Year
4 Podcasts for Advent
4 Podcasts for Advent Listen to the 4 pillars of Advent at Hope Stream Radio – 4 Podcasts for Advent. Hope Love Joy Peace Blessings to everyone as we head toward Christmas. Listen to 4 podcasts on the 4 pillars of Advent. Join us at Hope Stream Radio. (click to Tweet)
A Cast Iron Skillet – and my Faith?
A Cast Iron Skillet – and my Faith? Podcast for Hope Stream Radio I podcast for Hope Stream Radio once a week. I am podcasting about A Cast Iron Skillet – yes, that’s right. I cook with one all the time. This week I thought about it and how it compares to my faith. Please… Continue reading A Cast Iron Skillet – and my Faith?
How to Overcome Fear – podcast
How To Overcome Fear – Podcast for Hope Stream Radio Today on Hope Stream Radio I am talking about how to overcome fear. Fear used to be the way I lived. I became tense and irrational. Listen to what I learned. Click on the link to hear the podcast: Click here. Here are the… Continue reading How to Overcome Fear – podcast