It’s wonderful what Creation can teach us. Did you know that from one of the smallest seeds grows one of the largest trees? The seed of the sequoia is only ¼ the size of a grain of uncooked rice. And yet it grows into the biggest tree, having roots that can cover over 2-4 acres… Continue reading What can we learn from a tiny seed?
Tag: seeds
Creative Tuesdays – Amazing How Plants Grow
Creative Tuesdays – Amazing How Plants Grow This is the challenge this week for Creative Tuesdays. Do you have a porch, balcony or even just a kitchen windowsill? Chances are then at some point you’ve likely dabbled with growing plants from seed, potting flowers or even gathering herbs and so on — all the fun… Continue reading Creative Tuesdays – Amazing How Plants Grow
How can I Plant Seeds along Life’s Path? This is a combination of my Five-Minute Friday post and my sermon Monday post. The last few days I have spent at a fantastic conference called Write! Canada, a conference for writers who are Christian. I heard the words, seed and path repeated time and again. Today… Continue reading HOW CAN I PLANT SEEDS ALONG LIFE’S PATH?