What can we learn from a tiny seed?

It’s wonderful what Creation can teach us. Did you know that from one of the smallest seeds grows one of the largest trees? The seed of the sequoia is only ¼ the size of a grain of uncooked rice. And yet it grows into the biggest tree, having roots that can cover over 2-4 acres… Continue reading What can we learn from a tiny seed?

Creative Tuesdays – Amazing How Plants Grow

Creative Tuesdays – Amazing How Plants Grow This is the challenge this week for Creative Tuesdays. Do you have a porch, balcony or even just a kitchen windowsill? Chances are then at some point you’ve likely dabbled with growing plants from seed, potting flowers or even gathering herbs and so on — all the fun… Continue reading Creative Tuesdays – Amazing How Plants Grow


How can I Plant Seeds along Life’s Path? This is a combination of my Five-Minute Friday post and my sermon Monday post. The last few days I have spent at a fantastic conference called Write! Canada, a conference for writers who are Christian. I heard the words, seed and path repeated time and again. Today… Continue reading HOW CAN I PLANT SEEDS ALONG LIFE’S PATH?
