My Cancer Journey If you have been following me on my breast cancer journey, this poem about keeping calm was written early in my diagnosis. Tomorrow, I am booked for surgery. My faith has continued to keep me calm and in touch with Jesus. I have chosen to write in an abecedarian form of poetry… Continue reading Keep Calm with Faith
Tag: Scripture
Studying Can Help
Faced with a diagnosis of cancer Janis has started to write poems most mornings after studying the Bible
To make it through this journey with a cancer diagnosis, I decided to let my thoughts and feelings come out through my writing. So far, it’s been poetry.
Declutter Your Lives
Day 8 #RWBiblicalMeditation Are you finding it hard to get down to doing something? Maybe your problem is clutter. Clutter can fill our minds and our lives. I am trying to declutter my physical and spiritual life. For that reason, I joined Revelation Wellness. I have been challenged in the 21 Days of Revelation Wellness.… Continue reading Declutter Your Lives
Connecting the Dots
33 Dots that’s how it started – connecting the dots Someone mentioned how God is good at connecting the dots in their lives. I agree with that. When I look back in my life, I see when God was there even though I didn’t know it. My artwork challenge of 33 dots expands my mind,… Continue reading Connecting the Dots
Advent Week Four – Love
This is Advent Week Five. The focus is on LOVE. Love came down in the form of a BABE. God gave His only Son to us. The Incarnation. Love at its highest. Love at its highest. By reading through God’s Word we can know more and more about this love. And we also learn how… Continue reading Advent Week Four – Love
Freedom to Live – Sunday Stillness Link
By reading scripture every day I am starting to see God’s plan – clearer. Join us at Growing through God’s Word Facebook Group. Let’s find the freedom to live. Today these are the passages I studied: Psalm 63:1-8; Numbers 13:1-2, 17-14:9; Matthew 17:22-27 In the Psalm, I loved the first verse, You, God, are my… Continue reading Freedom to Live – Sunday Stillness Link
The Mighty Planner – a poem
A Poem The poem, “The Mighty Planner”, below was inspired after reading scripture. Lord God Mighty Planner Ruler of all From Creation through to New Creation You knew everything before it happened The Tabernacle built to Your specifications Every part of it every detail made for a reason Even John the Baptist’s death with his… Continue reading The Mighty Planner – a poem
Change Is Coming
A new poem about change. The Winds of Change Already to change because God has chosen this as the time to do radical revision to everything I do Find my true purpose God will show me how to go forth I will keep close – not jumping ahead of Him
How Can an Abecedarian Poem Free Us?
An Abecedarian poem I didn’t feel free to write poetry. But God did. A new type of poetry, abecedarian, kickstarted my love of poetry. These past months I have written many poems as I read and studied scripture. I started a 3-year Bible plan in the spring. Each day I read 3 scriptures. I use… Continue reading How Can an Abecedarian Poem Free Us?