Keep Calm with Faith

My Cancer Journey If you have been following me on my breast cancer journey, this poem about keeping calm was written early in my diagnosis. Tomorrow, I am booked for surgery. My faith has continued to keep me calm and in touch with Jesus. I have chosen to write in an abecedarian form of poetry… Continue reading Keep Calm with Faith

Advent Week Two – Peace

Peace This Advent Week Two. We focus on peace. We learn more about it. At this moment we all need God’s peace, more than ever. Jesus did say, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled… Continue reading Advent Week Two – Peace

Advent Week One

Advent Week One HOPE I haven’t written in a while. I have been on a painting spree. For each day of November, I painted every day. This week is Advent Week One – hope. Today was different. I painted and wrote two poems. I will share one with you today. This is an Abecedarian poem.… Continue reading Advent Week One

Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Happy Thanksgiving 2020 and a Poetry Linkup Wishing you all God’s blessings today and always. May you cherish God’s creation, friends and family. Thanksgiving 2020. If you need prayer, please email me at Janis. Blessings Janis Another Thanksgiving in 2015  –  Here is my poem for today. Another abecedarian. Peace Another Beautiful Calm Day Enlightenment… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving 2020

How Can an Abecedarian Poem Free Us?

An Abecedarian poem I didn’t feel free to write poetry. But God did. A new type of poetry, abecedarian, kickstarted my love of poetry. These past months I have written many poems as I read and studied scripture. I started a 3-year Bible plan in the spring. Each day I read 3 scriptures. I use… Continue reading How Can an Abecedarian Poem Free Us?
