How can I Plant Seeds along Life’s Path?

Life's Path
by Kimberley Payne

This is a combination of my Five-Minute Friday post and my sermon Monday post.

The last few days I have spent at a fantastic conference called Write! Canada, a conference for writers who are Christian.

I heard the words, seed and path repeated time and again. Today in our sermon a guest minister used the same words, seed and path.

Then to top it off – the Gypsy Mama’s word for this week is path.

So what is up with that? What is God saying to me?

Here are some of the words that have come to me this week:

give “…gratitude for the seemingly small and insignificant – this is the seed that plants the giant miracle in the midst of it all” – Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seed that you plant” – Robert Louis Stevenson.

And from Hosea 10:12:

 Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.”

In Sunday’s sermon our guest minister, Jan Thornington, spoke about the seeds we plant in our children as they follow a path through life. Without direction and discipline this path is harder to follow; weeds come up and can take over so that the path is no longer clear.

She read from an old hymnary the song, “For the Young” by Mrs. Clara Writer. Here are some of the words:

 “A little seed lay fast asleep” …

“So children are the seeds God plants within His garden fair, He loves and guards them everyday, they’re in His constant care.”

We were blessed with a vision of children growing under the care of God.

I thought about the seeds we plant as writers and how we hope that they will land on ears that will hear and that God can grow those seeds into a closer relationship with Him.

And I thought about the seeds that were planted this weekend – how to grow and follow the path that God has set before me.

I know that seeking His face is the surest way to begin. I know that I need to be in constant communication with Him to hear the Holy Spirit encourage but also discipline; to listen carefully; to proceed when the light is green; but keep a sharp look both left and right before I go ahead.

This is my week to listen – to process all that I have learned. I want to follow the path that God has set before me. As God plants seeds of inspiration, I will pray for God to nourish and grow them so they can be strong, straight and true shoots.

And to add to God teaching me, I read Violet Nesdoly’s post called: Technology Word Snatch, in which she tells us how the seeds can be snatched away.

“God’s word snatched away, shallowly rooted, and choked is something of which we need to be vigilant more than ever!”

Linking to the Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Fridays. 




  1. Good thoughts Jan. From a slightly different perspective I experienced a walk down a path two weeks ago. I didn’t really want to go, but at the end of the path I saw a lonely young man spaced out on drugs. God had me talk to him and plant a seed in his heart. Each time he comes to mind I pray for him.

  2. Hello – Sorry you didn’t see where to leave Comments at the very bottom of the 5 Minute Fridays posts…but ThankYou for coming by and for commenting on my Contact Me page! I appreciate your post here and several other posts I read – I look forward to hearing
    more about your book – when it arrives – 😉

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