How Important is a VBS for Children?

A look at my week running a VBS

How rich it is to work with kids! This summer I again had the privilege to run a VBS – Vacation Bible School. We are a small church but we had 14 children most days, aged 4-8.


What amazes me is the sweetness of their hearts. They want to know Jesus. They want to hear stories from His Word. And best of all they love learning scriptures. Between all crafts, games, stories, songs and snacks we really got to know each other.

Jesus said in Matthew 19:14:

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

That’s why I run this program. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them. (tweet this)

I’m not young. Our church doesn’t have many children. Our congregation is getting older. But for the past 5 years I have run a successful summer program. God brings the workers.

My job is to pray.

God supplies all our needs, including health and energy.

The three most frequent reasons I’ve read of why churches are no longer running a VBS are:

Lack of time, children and volunteers.



I know that there are mega churches, which do hold successful programs. However, many churches are stopping this practice.

Honestly it doesn’t take a lot of preparation if you keep the week simple.

Kids don’t need over-the-top productions to know about Jesus. Sometimes I feel that Jesus might get lost in today’s hubbub of technology, colour, and contraptions.

In my VBS I use the Simple Method. Choose 5 stories. Choose 5 scriptures with the last ones leading to Christ and salvation. Check out Pinterest for crafts and games and songs. And get someone who can prepare nutritious food. Get your supplies ready. And there you are. And pray consistently.


Daniel in the Lions’ Den

We still use an overhead projector to learn the songs. Really? Yes. – old technology is interesting to them.

Every day before we start we have a prayer with the leaders who are present.

As the kids arrive we have a little activity while we wait for everyone. Then we begin with a quiet group time and prayer is always the first thing. Then as I tell the Bible story I watch their eyes – they listen. They are fascinated.

This year we had the privilege to have a biblical story-teller visit us one day. She made the scripture come alive and involved the children. I can see trying that out myself next year.

Yes I will be doing a vacation Bible school next year.

Just offering it is allowing God to show His power in His people. My volunteers worked hard but felt a tremendous satisfaction in a job well-done.

And this verse says the way I felt at the end of the week.

From 3 John 4:

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

May I pray for you and me?

Heavenly Father, thank You for children. Thank you for their desire to know You. Thank You for their creativity which we endeavour to encourage and not squelch. Help them to know You more and more. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Until next time, what does God inspire you to do – that is beyond your comfort zone, energy and time? I would love to hear from you. Drop over to my website at And stay reading His Word.

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