3 Ps for the New Year

3 Ps for the New Year

On Hope Stream Radio you can listen to the entire podcast called 3 Ps for the New Year.

3Ps for the New Year – click here.

3 Ps for the New Year

Thinking back over the past 31 days that I studied the human trafficking scriptures I thought about what God had been teaching me.

On the podcast I talk about my Word for last year and my word for this year.

Then thinking of what God had taught me, I came up with my plan for the New Year – based on Roman 12:12. This was my first scripture to read this New Year.

Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder (The Message).

Find out my 3 Ps for the New Year on Hope Stream Radio. (tweet this)

Free gift. Can you think of the words I used for the 3 Ps? To check your answer listen to the podcast. The first person to tell me the correct answer gets the prize. Email Janis. No one from Hope Stream Radio production can enter, or my family.

Find out more about my award winning children’s books at my bookstore. A Growing with God series.3 Ps

3 Ps


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  1. My word is health. I am 75 years old and need to lose at least 50 pounds. I have started a program Take Shape For Life. I want to remain in good health so I can be productive for twenty more years.

    1. Nancy,
      What a great goal. My hubby decided that 2 years ago and lost 40 pounds and has kept it off. Making the decision is the first step. Next is praying. Then following through. Blessings on your road to good health.

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