I have joined Kate Motaung on Five Minute Fridays. The word for this week is MIDDLE. Since I had to stay on line with Bell Canada I thought this was a good time to write. But, the repeated music is driving me nuts.
But here goes:
Looking at the word – MIDDLE – my first thought went right to my middle child. Not an easy place to be in the family dynamics – squished between the first-born and the youngest. I wish I had read more about middle children when she was growing up and I might have been able to give her more confidence in herself than I did.
I praise the Lord she survived the middle placement and now has three children of her own. My daughter watches her middle one and strives to make sure he isn’t left out to fend for himself. And I am happy to say that she herself is happy, well-adjusted and able to tackle whatever comes her way.
My mother was a middle child and I can see some of the things that bothered her were made more difficult by her being in the middle. I am the first born and my sister is the youngest – only 2 of us. We found our place quite well in the family. My strong characteristics come from being first born. Her carefree easygoing style comes from being the youngest.
Being “in the middle” of anything can be hard. (tweet this)
I think starting a project is exciting and certainly coming to the end of a project can bring a thrill of accomplishment. But that middle part – the waiting, the working, the figuring it out – makes for tension sometimes.
I praise God again that we know that no matter what stage we are at – young, middle or old age, Jesus is always there to help us migrate through the ups and downs.
And I had to Google Bible trivia for MIDDLE. But don’t you love these scriptures. Maybe they will be the ones I study next.
Middle verse of the Bible: Psalms 103:1,2
Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Middle verse of the New Testament: Acts 17:17
So he reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there.
Middle verse of the Old Testament: 2 Chronicles 20:17
You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and seethe deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’”
I also read an interesting article about Jesus coming in the middle to bring unity between Gentiles and Jews. I am thinking about this. What are your thoughts? He broke through the veil so we have a way to God. Praise the Lord.
Time’s up – your turn. Join Kate at Five Minute Fridays.
Find out more about my award winning children’s books at my bookstore. A Growing with God series.
When I was having my third child, I found a book series about BunBun the Middle One. My second born got her nickname from the main character. Even though I have two middle ones now, she is still BunBun.
I love your take on the middle of verses. The beginning and the end get so much attention, don’t they? Slowing down and treasuring the middle is important too.
Every great man or woman of faith had a middle.
Jesus is our mediator. That’s an important middle position. I’m so glad he is my middle. And that he walks with me in my middle.
I’m glad to be your FMF neighbor.