Spending time being creative
Do you need to kick start your creativity? A few years ago I wrote this post. But right now I needed to read it again. Maybe you do too.
The last month has been one of change — in my thinking, in my reading, in my writing and most of all in my decision to try to spend more time with my creative side.
After running and organizing a small Vacation Bible School this summer for the 7th time, I finally realized that this is what I LOVE. Truly love. But I also realize that I am not as young as I used to be. Physically the week pushed me beyond my limits. Thankfully God is good and in His strength I excelled.
But it also rekindled my desire to work in the creative arts and also with children. For the first time in many years, this year, I walked into a public school to work with the kids. I was invited to be an artist with Artists in the Schools in our community and gave 7 separate workshops for children in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3 (ages 4–8). And I felt elated. (Exhausted too.)
Where do I go from here?
My desire is not just for myself. I want others to join me to find their creative side — parents and children.
I have decided to restart my 33 dots challenge (inspired by Meg Konovska). This time I would love others to join me. Who is interested? Even if you don’t share your results, the experience is exciting.
I am going to try to do 33 dots for 33 pictures. But I don’t plan to do this in 33 days. I have a number of them already. But yesterday I started again. I will do 33. And I will share them too.
The Plan of 33 Dots – One way to stir creativity
Take any sheet of white paper, and put down 33 random dots. Don’t look. Then after that, take a look and draw connecting lines between the dots without crossing any lines. Then look at the result. Turn the paper around. See if you can “see” anything. If not, put it down and come back later.
Since I am a Christian, I love to do this with prayer. I pray first. Then look. Then decide what I see. I know sometimes I have had to put it away for a time and come back later.
Step One — the dots and connecting – on the way to creativity
Step Two — the drawing
This is the part where I need to “see”. What can I see with those shapes and lines?
Step Three — the colouring
This is the result. I used watercolour on 140-pound paper.
Step four — the interpretation
I have learned that listening to God helps me see what He wants me to see.
I have called this painting “Everyman — Perseverance”.
These are my thoughts. You may seem something entirely different.
I notice that his hands are out and facing up. To me, this is lifting everything to God. And I try to make that posture.
He is walking forward. He is looking straight ahead.
The background is colourful but very distracting.
Do we get distracted in our daily lives? I do.
This is all the stuff that is around me and why I am pitching more and more. What do I really need anyway?
His eyes show me excitement and exhilaration. He is happy and anticipating good things. He is moving step by step.
But I also see one leg is lagging — almost being pulled along. I know this from the way things distract me. I want to keep moving forward but I am held up sometimes. Thank goodness my leg is attached to the rest of my body. And even though I might be straining at times, I will move forward.
My prayer:
Heavenly Father, I know that you have given each of us gifts but I also know that you have created us and given us the ability to create — whether in words, in pictures, in cooking, in sewing etc. Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear what you would have us create. We know we are called for a purpose and we are to find joy in our experiences. Help us to follow you, Jesus. In Your precious name I pray. Amen.
All photos are my own.
Join us at Monthly Art Creations on Facebook and do a month of Prompts. We will also help beginners. Let’s be creative.
Other posts on 33 dots. – Rabbit
Another post on 33 dots – A snuggly