How We Continue to Learn About Prayer
by Grace Fox (reprinted with permission)
As I write this, I’m riding in the backseat of a nine-passenger van between Timisoara (Romania) and Budapest (Hungary). Fields of corn, wheat, and sunflowers border the road. A cloudless sky and a gentle breeze go with us.
Music fills the van. One song, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” brings tears to my eyes. I’ve known these lyrics for my lifetime, but the depth of their meaning has become clear to me only in the recent past.
I’m especially comforted by knowing
Christ invites us to bring every concern to Him in prayer. (tweet this)
If I were to sum up what I’ve learned on this year’s ministry trip so far, it would be to get more serious about prayer. Several weeks ago, I asked God to teach me to pray more effectively, and He’s been bringing mini-lessons to me ever since.
The most recent mini-lesson came on the last day of our camp.
Continue to read the entire post at A Lesson About Prayer Learned at Camp.
Here is Loretta Lynn singing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”.