Jesus – My Newel Post
As I reached for the banister on the stair I put my hand around the newel post. That’s the post that supports the stairway. I thought, “This is like our Lord – strong, sturdy and steadfast.” I like thinking of ways to relate to Jesus. We have songs in Sunday school about Jesus being our Rock, our Stronghold, and our Deliverer. I don’t think I have heard one about Jesus being our Newel Post. But, we could have, couldn’t we?
In historic homes, it is believed that the house plans were placed in the newel upon completion of the house before the newel was capped. Isn’t that interesting? Jesus has our plans – the plans of each one of us. He knows everything about us.
As we go out today, let us remember that we have many things that can remind us of Jesus. These things can also call us to prayer. I will never put my hand on the newel post without thinking of Jesus and how He knows all about me and loves me.
Help us to see reminders of You, Jesus, in our daily lives. Help us to remember to talk to You more often. Remind us in many ways that You are always here with us. In Your precious name. AMEN.