Joy Prayer Thanks Word of God Speak Linkup
For the next couple of weeks we are going to look at verses about prayer, starting with 1Thessalonians 5:16-18, we are looking at Joy Prayer Thanks.

On April 16th I will be joining with Conforming to the Truth who will be studying 17 books of the New Testament in 17 weeks. (I will be taking a pause after every 6 weeks for review – I believe review is necessary to hold these scriptures in my mind).
We are using the S.I.M.P.L.E. Method of Bible Study to study each passage.
S – Say the passage out loud: Check other versions.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (I Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV).
I – Interpretation – Check footnotes, references and commentaries. Find out all you can about the passage. When? Where? Why?
Joy is not dependent on our circumstances. It is a joy based on our knowledge of Christ, what He has done for us and is doing for us now. Joy is consistent. Happiness ebbs and flows.
Prayer is not for “crisis only” but a continual conversation with God. I wrote about prayer at A Beautiful Life Ministry.
God is interested in every facet of our lives. (click to tweet)
Read the following verses:
- 1 Thessalonians 1:3 to 2:13
- Romans 1:9-10
- Ephesians 6:18
- Colossians 1:3
- 2 Timothy 1:3
Be thankful through all things. Look for blessings even in the dark times. Keep focused on Jesus.
Check out:
- Philippians 4:4
- Luke 18:1
- Ephesians 5:20
M- Make a list of thoughts, questions and ideas.
How do I make prayer a living thing? How do I remember to be thankful and joyful at all times, in all circumstances?
What do you, Lord, want my prayer life to look like? (click to tweet)
P- Pray for God’s Guidance This is a silent time of prayer, listening to God Speak. When you have finished writing all your thoughts, questions and ideas then take time for prayer.
L- Life Application – Write down what you heard God speak (no matter how different from your own thoughts previously).
I heard so much in this time of reflection on the words joy prayer thanks.
What did I learn from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18? (click to tweet)
Concentrate thoughts on Jesus
Make a quiet time at least once a day
Soak in the knowledge of the Spirit
Feel Jesus’ life blood flowing through my veins
Seek Jesus with my whole heart
SMILE – See More In Life Everyday
Block out extraneous thoughts and focus.
My best time of the day is morning. I need to give Him my first fruits.
Make a promise. Find an accountability partner.
E- Exit with a prayer of confirmation, forgiveness, praise or acceptance.
Heavenly Father, You are so awesome. I love talking to You. You make all things clearer, calmer and full of life. You inspire me. I feel the joy that Christ brings. We can make our lives full of praise, thankfulness and joy – all thanks to You, Jesus. In Your name. Amen.
Today is the Linkup for Word of God Speak
Please add your links for any posts that are faith-based.

I love this scripture! Reminding us to always be thankful, no matter what. Thanks for sharing, Janis and for hosting! Hope you have an amazing week 🙂
Thanks for the encouragement. I love this scripture and I want to take this one into my very soul.
I am so grateful for God’s interest in every area of my life!
Isn’t it wonderful that He is concerned over even a hangnail. I love that too.
Janis, hope all is well with you this week! Thanks for hosting and week-end blessings!
All is good as we get set to move house. Praying for a great week for you.
I can always use a reminder to rejoice and be thankful. I love how the verse ties rejoicing, prayer, and giving thanks. A powerful mix!
I love how it tied it altogether and said that it was God’s Will for us. Hallelujah.
Give thanks continually, even if one begins there, it is a start. Thank you for the party.
You are right – starting with thanks is the beginning of joy and the beginning of a relationship with God.