Easter Thoughts – Podcast- HSR
During Lent I went through 6 verses from Mark and studied them, asking God to speak to me the words He wanted me to hear. These are my Easter Thoughts. You can listen them at Hope Stream Radio.
Click on the link to hear the podcast: Click here.
Here are my show notes:
The last passage I studied was Mark 14:66-72. – particularly verse 72.
Immediately the rooster crowed the second time.[a] Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows twice[b] you will disown me three times.” And he broke down and wept.
It’s a familiar passage of Peter’s denial of Jesus – three times before the cock crowed twice.
As I heard my grandfather clock chiming the hour as I wrote this I thought of how Peter would have felt hearing that cock crow.
It would have been a piercing sound, bombarding his ears with the voice of Jesus – You denied Me.
It would have overwhelmed Peter to hear that sound – so much that he cried.
My NIV version says: He broke down and wept.
The Message version says: He collapsed in tears.
Peter had been passionate for Jesus, always giving a rallying cry.
Suddenly he feels all is lost. Empty. Alone.
Those 3 days must have been devastating for him. Worry. Fear. Sorrow. Regret.
Then – EASTER. The incredible news that Jesus is alive.
When Peter sees and recognizes Jesus on the shore – He jumps out of the boat to greet Him.
That reminded me of the time before the resurrection when Jesus asked Peter to come out of the boat and to walk on water. And Peter did – for a bit.
Now, and especially after Pentecost, when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit – Peter is again on fire, willing to jump out of the boat and to walk on water, to trust God with everything.
What can I Learn from Peter? What are my Easter Thoughts?
Do not be afraid – Jesus has conquered death. He will always look after me. He has conquered death for me too.
Do what Jesus calls me to do – no matter how impossible it may seem, do it anyway because Jesus can do anything.
Be passionate – When I heard God tell me what to be passionate about it has been like a fire running through me. The words I heard were:
Get all Christians to read their Bibles daily.
That’s my goal. My mission. My purpose.

That’s what I am passionate about. What about you?
Easter Thoughts: What passion has God put on your hearts? Are you going full out for Him? (click to tweet)
May I pray for you and me?
Father, we know that sometimes we feel we have reached the impossible spot. But nothing is impossible for You. Keep us remembering that and give us courage and passion to do Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Until next time, follow the passion the Lord has given you. Do it knowing that we have a great God who will strengthen and guide you. And remember to be in His Word, daily.

We share the same mindset, Janis. May God continue to bless your writing and art. ❤️
Thanks so much Tracy,
Working and listening to God.