Listening – part 2
Remember last week when I said I had a lot of excuses for not having time to sit and listen to God. Well I did – when I awoke in the morning – my dog would bug for attention, my husband would start a conversation, or the phone would ring. Never did there seem to be a time I could call my own with God.
Let me tell you a secret. I complained to a friend about my dilemma and she asked when would be a good time. I jokingly said, well maybe in the early morning – but another excuse rose immediately:
I can’t get up that early – I can’t wake up and face the day that early. I need my sleep.
My friend suggested that if God really wanted me to spend time with Him, then I should let Him decide. She said if I were serious about this commitment I could ask God to wake me up.
I must say that the first time I did that I was pretty flippant. This is what I said – no kidding.
Okay God – if You really want me for this quiet time together, wake me up at 6:00 am.
Imagine my surprise the next morning as I awoke to stare at the clock radio – It said …. 6:00 – no kidding, it was exactly that time.
I bounced out of bed – that was my first attempt at sitting still. As I told you it lasted five minutes. But, He had answered and I truly believed that He really wanted me to have this time with Him.
The next few nights I said the same prayer – just checking Him out. And every morning He woke me at exactly 6:00 am. Over the years my routine, on average, has stayed the same. He still wakes me most mornings at that same time.
My peace has grown and I have listened.
When would be a good time for you to listen to God? Ask God to make that time available for you.
“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” – Mother Teresa
Next week – A Voice from God?
Thank You for wanting to meet with us. Thank You for listening to our prayers. But also we thank You for talking to us. In Jesus’ name. AMEN