Opening the Door to Love
“Though the state which contemplatives call the prayer of quiet is a common condition of mystical attainment, it is not by itself mystical at all. It is a state of preparation: a way of opening the door. That which comes in when the door is opened will be that which we truly and passionately desire. …The true contemplative, coming to this plane of stillness, does not desire ‘extraordinary favours and visitations’, but the privilege of breathing for a little while the atmosphere of Love.” Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism Page 219
What a wonderful gift we are given when we spend some moments in utter quiet and stillness in the presence of Our Lord. When we simply sit still and quiet, waiting in expectation, the door of our soul is opened by the Holy Spirit. As we continue to sit quietly, then it is that we receive the gift—the atmosphere of Love and Peace, surrounding and filling us with blessing.
Thank you God for this most inestimable benefit.
Judith Lawrence
Judith is a Professional member of The Word Guild and author of two non-fiction books, Prayer Companion: A Treasury of Personal Meditation, and Glorious Autumn Days: Meditations for the Wisdom Years, as well as one book of mystical poetry, Grapes from the Vine. Judith writes a monthly meditation, which can be found on her website: Judith’s latest spiritual book, Highway of Holiness: Soul Journey is now available. You can purchase it through Wipf and Stock Publishers.