And To Pivot is Good
It’s been quite the changeable last 6 months. But the last month has really swung me away from what I was doing and allowed me to pivot in a different direction.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:1–2, NIV)
Things are changing — not just in our world but in my life.
Read my poem where this all began.
God is moving me forward but in another direction.
He is taking me on another adventure — a creative one.
For many months, I have felt stifled
I felt something was missing.
I prayed. I prayed more. I listened.
Even though I enjoy this Medium platform I felt something missing from my creative side. Looking at stats — became a game. Posting in groups — another game. But I wasted my time.
All of these things took time away from what God wanted me to do.
I am not sure if I’ll stop writing on Medium (a platform for writers and readers) but certainly, I don’t want to be tied here.
The ropes are off. The chains are gone. I feel free to see where God leads next.
Let’s break the chains and let Jesus set us free.
Here are some things that God has led me to do recently. Definitely a pivot from what I was doing.
More Bible Art
This week I have painted and written two pieces in my Bible Journal.
Tadeo Turtle
I have made a second edition of my first children’s book, Tadeo Turtle. That meant learning InDesign and publishing through KDP.
Tadeo Turtle, winner of The Word Awards in 2013, is a story of a turtle who longs to be different. He is frustrated not being able to run around like some of his friends. This is a story that helps children to know that God created them perfectly.
A review on Amazon from a verified purchase show how much this little book can help children with different abilities to live happy, successful lives.
I love Tadeo Turtle. 🙂 I actually bought him on my kindle to read to my little nephew this Christmas, but my 10 year old daughter fell in love with him as well, so we’ve transferred to her kindle, which is fancier and has better showcase of Janis’s artistic talents. 🙂 My nephew is in kindergarten and he has Autism.
He has already memorized the book and quotes it to his friends. I don’t know if he quite realizes how much it fits for him, with his autism, but the grownups in his life sure do, and we appreciate it! Tadeo’s shell also called to mind devices that help the disabled (since I am disabled), like wheelchairs, leg braces, etc.
Those are things that we may feel self-conscious of, as children and as grown-ups, but they are God’s blessing to us to help us be all that we can be. This would make a perfect book marketed for special-needs children, as well as a great self-esteem book for all. ~ Renewed Hubby
I am working on getting my second children’s book, The Kingdom of Thrim, republished.
Me? A publisher? That is a pivot from writing on a blog.
I have a publishing company named, Butterfly Beacons.
There is a story behind the name. The butterfly symbolizes freedom in Christ. The beacon is the Light that He shines in this world and I am trying to shine it too.
Sunday Stillness Link – A poetry linkup
There is a link for others to share poetry from Medium or their blogs.
Sunday Stillness is for poets who are Christian. Join us and read poetry from others. Remember to use your friend’s link if you link to your Medium post.
God made us to be creative.
Where does your creativity lie?
Is it buried beneath stuff?
How will you work to release it?
Do you need to pivot from what you are doing?
Deanne Michelle Welsh called me a “Creativity Catalyst”. I want to get back on that path. I strayed too far on the social media, admin side. Now I am free.
May I pray for you and me?
Father, we wish to be in your will for our lives. Help us to focus on You first. Then help us take a leap of faith and go where you are calling. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Also published on Medium.
Hello, are you a “medium”?