Poland 2 – The Travelling
Two years ago I travelled to Poland for the first time. It turned out to be a life-changing experience. Not only did I experience the presence of God, I saw His power and His miracles.
As we touched down in Berlin (our second plane ride – first one landed in Frankfurt, then next to Berlin), the team gathered near the entrance to the airport to watch as our luggage was loaded into the cars and vans that had come to pick us up. As I looked at the amount of luggage I could not believe we would ever get it into the vehicles.
In addition to our big bags, we had our carry-on baggage, handbags, cameras etc. And what should arrive for transportation – 3 vehicles – one was a large nine-passenger van, one a regular 5 seat caravan –and a small hatchback car. So in all we had 16 people, and 36 pieces of substantial luggage.
We all stared – in disbelief. There was NO WAY that all that luggage and those people could fit in those vehicles. As they began to load what they could, we thought of some alternatives. …
There were none.
By the way, it was 5:30pm and we had been awake (we might have dozed a little) for over 30 hours. We were a little tired.
So we prayed. As the luggage went in the vehicles, we continued to pray. When the last piece of luggage was stowed and all bodies were in – I was overjoyed, filled with His presence and it was truly an amazing experience. All that luggage shouldn’t have fit. But, it did. God made the impossible, possible. It was a miracle.
On our drive to Karpacz from the Berlin airport, one of the cars broke down – the transmission hose had broken – so we stopped at a gas station (not a service centre) while the drivers worked to figure out what they could do. The rest of us – we prayed! Somehow they found another piece of hose, cut it, used tape and put it back together – they were able to purchase more transmission fluid and we were on our way once again.
We arrived safely in Karpacz around midnight, Polish time.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you Lord for your provisions. We are grateful that you are in the details of our lives. We ask that You watch over us as we try to focus on things You want us to do. Keep our missionaries safe and resting in Your care. In Jesus’ name. AMEN