Prayer as Relationship

by Judith Lawrence

Prayer has so many different layers and parts to it that each time one dips into it one discovers new wonders and dimensions of wonders. St Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans chapter 5 verse 11, We can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. (New Living Translation.)

When we make friends with another person, we find many different layers in that friendship. There will be times of sharing a good talk, a meal, or an outing; there will be times of support in difficulties such as illness, loss, or financial need; there will be times when we are so rushed that a quick hello, or a wave and a smile in passing is all we have time for, and yet, because of our friendship, our spirits are lifted and we feel a lightness of heart with even a small gesture.

Such is our relationship with God. Through Jesus Christ we are friends with God and there are many different layers and dimensions in that friendship. Daily, we share quiet times with God; we read his word, listen to his message to us, and share our concerns with him; we intercede for others in their needs, and give thanks for prayers answered and blessings received.

Each one of us has a unique relationship with God. God does not play favourites among us, yet there is a special place in God’s heart for each one of us, a unique place that only each individual can know.
