Praying to a Big God

Read Psalm 63:1-8

“O God you are my God, I seek you.”

Does God want to know every detail of our lives?

In two weeks I begin teaching a course called, Living Prayer. I use the book, The Workbook of Living Prayer, by Maxie Dunnam.

Many years ago, as a new Christian, I attended my first Living Prayer course. Although it lasted only 6 weeks I learned more in those 6 weeks than I had in a lifetime.

My initial thoughts on prayer went something like this. God I know you are there but I think you are so busy that I will only ask you for something when I really really need help. So as our kids grew up and I waited for their return late at night and as I waited, I started to worry – then I started to pray. After their safe return – I said, “Thank you.”

One day a friend and I were talking and she said it was okay to ask God to help with my curling game. I was astonished to say the least. I said, “Why should I bother God with a silly curling game?” She stated that God was interested in everything about me and my life. This lesson is reinforced in the Workbook of Living Prayer.

Anything that is important to us is important to God. Talking to God about anything and everything helps us find our way to a life of prayer. (The Workbook of Living Prayer, page 47)

I remember in one of the first courses I taught, that this concept also opened the eyes of one of my friends. I remember clearly the look of horror on her face that I suggested that God was interested in every detail of her life. Her response was,  “We can’t bother God with trivial matters.” I told her what I had learned and that our God was a great big God – and yes He was interested in the smallest detail of my life and hers.

After showing her scriptures she said that she would give this new idea a try. The following week she came to our group totally enthusiastic – God did like to her to talk to Him about every little detail. She said she felt free to know that He cared so much about her. And relieved – now she didn’t have to decide if the problem was big enough to decide if she needed to go to God with it. She started to talk to Him all the time. She grew closer to Him and her stress level dropped. She smiled more. Her prayers became LIVING PRAYERS.

The important thing is that we keep on talking with God, keep on bringing our desires and longings to God until we are clear in our own thinking about our needs. God does not grant us our wish-list. However, God does meet our needs and fulfill our longings. (The Workbook of Living Prayer, page 47)

Yes our God is an Awesome God – I love that song – it is one of my favourites.

Our God is an Awesome God

And this summer in Poland I learned a new kids’ song – or maybe not a kids’ song – It is called Our God is a Great Big God.

or this one




God we are so thankful that You are a GREAT BIG God. We thank You for loving us – each detail of our lives. Help us to continue to give our lives to You – so that you are a part of each minute of our day. In Jesus’ name. AMEN
