Simply Saturday – a time for a quick 5-minute blog to write as the Spirit leads. First my prayer.
Father help me to be clear in my mind and let my words flow from You. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
My Life Verse
There are so many verses that mean so much to me. However, I believe the one that had the most impact is one on fear. Do not be afraid, says God.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus “(Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).
Before I truly knew Christ, I was frightened by a lot of things. I couldn’t climb a ladder for fear of falling. Thunderstorms terrified me and brought out my controlling self. I would shout, “Shut the windows, turn off the power, don’t go in the bathroom, stay away from the windows”.
Can you hear me shouting those announcements as soon as the thunder rumbled. I had a good reason to be terrified, because our cottage had been seriously hit by lightning while we were inside. No one had been hurt in that incident but my adrenalin had gone sky high. Our dog also suffered from after shock of that episode.
My fear and my control went together. Whatever I was afraid of I tried hard to make sure we never had the opportunity to experience that again. Fear of something happening to my children made me take an even tighter rein over their lives.
Then I found Christ – what a relief! All those cares and worries were finally left to Him. I did what I could within reason – and then I gave the rest over to God. He was in charge – not me. I started to pray and my tensions lessened. Peace came – the peace that transcends all understanding. And now I can be at peace even through a thunderstorm.
What is your Life Verse? Feel free to comment below.
I used this verse in a study I wrote on the life of Joseph. I have often used this verse as a model. 1) with thanksgiving–when anxious, pause to remember what God has done. How he’s shown up in the past. It’s amazing how much smaller your problems appear in light of all the ways God’s worked in our lives. Then ask for help, with the added faith caused by remembrance. 🙂
Great suggestions. Thank you so much. The “praising and thanking God” is so important in all we do.
Thanks Cherry,
Reminded myself when my husband was driving today. lol:)
Fear not. Much more peaceful drive.
Such good thoughts … and those verses are some of my favorites, as well! In fact, I just read them again yesterday, and wrote them into my journal (again!). Always need to be reminded to tell God all my concerns, instead of worrying …