Start a “To Don’t List”

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“Normal people do normal things at a normal – breakneck – pace and never have enough time to do the most important things” (page 27, Weird, by Craig Groeschel)

I am a normal person. For years I tried to do everything. And because of a strong sense of self I took on whatever people offered. I am sure pride had a lot to do with it.

“When we overschedule ourselves in the belief that we can do everything, we stop being human and try to become godlike – not only impossible but also incredibly arrogant” (page 26, Weird, Craig Groeschel).

Oh that was me. Prideful and arrogant.

This year I tried a new tack – I started a To Don’t List. What can I not do? How can I wrestle more time for those things that I have a passion for and where I think God is leading?

I started over 2 years ago with NO TV. That freed up an amazing amount of time. But I filled it again with other stuff.

Craig Groeschel reminded me:

“We have to remind ourselves that just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should” (page 33, Weird, Craig Groeschel).

That meant a closer look at exactly what I did. How do I discern a good choice from the best choice?

I think that first I have to go to God – ask Him to show me what He wants me to do; where I find my passion; and how much time can I give to it.

For example one thing I took off my to do list this year – teaching Sunday School. My personality type makes me always want to do my best – I have high expectations. This job, which I love, took too much time for what transpired. So God said – NO.

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. (Romans 1 MSG)”

My days are lighter, brighter and filled with promise. I am feeling JOY.  Stress is less. I do get things done but He shows me the way. And if I am following the wrong path, I know He will show me the correct one.

Another Quote from Craig:

“Christ had to make difficult decisions about how he would spend his limited time on earth. His example has a lot to teach us.”

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Also published on Medium.



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