“Steeped Tea” Prayers
by Jan Cox
I am not a perfectionist when it comes to making tea but I do know tea needs to steep before I pour and drink it.
To steep – “to soak in water or other liquid so as to extract its flavour or to soften it.”
As I sipped my tea today I thought about the steeping process and how it compared to my life and to my prayer life.
In my writing I try to let my ideas and thoughts settle in my mind and spirit, possibly before writing down my scattered thoughts (some writers say to write everything down but I like thinking and pondering first). Then I start putting my thoughts into the written word that will make sense to the reader (hopefully).
Even when I write for five minutes for Five-Minute Fridays with The Gyspy Mama, I confess that after I check the word of the week, I let it tumble around through my mind awhile before writing.
In my painting it is also true – I think of an idea; then I let pictures float through my mind before I feel ready to paint. When I do that it makes for a better painting.
In my prayer life I love early mornings. This is my time to get steeped in the Word; to pray and to think about God and His blessings.
And the actually act of praying – that is steeping my soul.
“But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you.
He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you.
God takes the time to do everything right—everything.
Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones” (Isaiah 30:18 The Message).
All the thoughts in my head get mixed around with the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. It is a joining of my mind with God – awesome.
As you know some types of teas take longer to steep – some as long as fifteen minutes. So we, too, need to wait on the right timing with God. He waits for us to be ready. Then He makes things happen. It is in His timing. Oswald Chambers says that:
“you will get to the place where there is no distance between the Father and His child because the Lord has made you one, and “in that day ye shall ask Me no question.”” (May 28).
A wonderful cup of tea – steeped for the right time – tastes wonderful. Prayers and time with God – steeped for the right time – peace, contentment, and trust.
Are you letting your prayers and your time with God be just right? Don’t rush God. He has the perfect timing. Your “prayer tea” will be perfect if you follow His instructions in waiting.
Just as an aside. The idea of steeped tea started in the middle of the night and worked around in my mind until I drank my early morning cup of tea. Hopefully I allowed enough time for my thoughts to steep and be full flavoured to make an interesting post.
My Gratitude List – counting to 2000. I am at 1421.
- learning that fear and praise cannot live together
- “prayer is not an exercise, it is the life” (Oswald Chambers, May 26).
- great drive for workshop for upcoming VIBE (our vacation Bible School)
- looking after my grandson at a wedding ceremony
- rocking him back to sleep (mmm good)
- understanding the awesomeness of Pentecost (sermon Part 1, sermon Part 2)
- listening to birds sing on our morning walk
- a few butterflies crossing my path
- reminding myself to slow down
- thinking how fascinating it is to talk to anyone in the world (mine was to B.C.)
- sweet message from my granddaughter left on answering machine
- summer weather in May – swimming in the lakes (Not me!)
- getting the Apple TV to stream a movie without pausing
- our 41st Anniversary
- more butterflies
- Wayne off to a native community on a fact finding mission to access their situation and see if our church can help
- ordered 5 more books from Shutterfly at a 40% discount
- watched Guy Chevreau 1st video sermon on prayer. “Self-directed or Spirit-led Prayer”
Jan Cox
Jan, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. She has published two devotionals and a number of articles for magazines and a Bible study. She is owner of Under the Cover of Prayer and moderates the site. She also writes at A Better Way. Jan has completed a children’s book called Tadeo Turtle. She is the watercolour illustrator.