Sunday Stillness – Do We Test God?

Sunday Stillness – Do We Test God?

From Free Digital Photos . Net

I have spent the last two weeks with a two year old. I had forgotten many things. High energy for sure… But I also relearned how a child learns. My grandson likes to test us to see if the rules stay the same.

For instance he is not supposed to touch the red (hot) water tap – just the blue (cold) water tap. He will say, “No touch red Grandma. Touch blue one”. And I have to say, “Yes, that is right”.

He also likes to help put away the utensils. He knows that he doesn’t touch the sharp (Daddy and Mommy) knives. But each time he repeats – no touch, Grandma?

Sometimes my grandson just does something that he knows he shouldn’t – just to see if he gets the same answer.

I thought about this and our relationship with God. Do we test Him? Do we try something and see what God might say? Or do we say to Him, I know this is wrong, right? Do we need to ask Him so that we will be sure. Are we checking it out and seeing if God is still constant in His Word.

I believe God is constant. I believe that His Word doesn’t change. Sometimes I hear about people saying that this is another generation so the rules are not the same. I don’t agree with that. I believe God’s rules never change.

 Is God’s Yes – Yes and His No – No?

I think it is. What do you think? Remember this when you pray. Are you trusting in God’s Word or are you testing Him?


Lord, thank You for Your Word. Thank You that You are constant – never changing. We can know that Your Yes is Yes and Your No is No. We love that You are unchangeable. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

I found this video Almighty, Unchangeable God – arranged by Cindy Berry – Piano music and lyrics.


Do we test God? (tweet this)

Is God’s Yes – Yes and His No – No? (tweet this)

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PS – Don’t forget to check out Tadeo Turtle – a story of acceptance for children up to age 7. Available on Amazon.Tadeo-Turtle-Cover-large-web

Today is Sunday Stillness.

Read the Sunday Stillness rules if you are new here.

I would appreciate if you would link only about God’s Word. If you have a linky party that’s okay if it is about the same thing. Please no sales or prizes. I want this to be friendly but I must ask you to abide by the rules. Others want to read God’s Word – and that is what I would like the links to be about. I must take down the links that don’t follow the rules. Thanks so much.


Please check out all the places I link to during the week. Thanks to everyone who has joined Sunday Stillness. I do try to get to your posts every week but I admit sometimes I don’t have the time.

Here are my favourite links for Sunday Stillness:

The Sunday Community by Deidra Riggs

Still Saturday by Sandra Heskaking

Sharing His Beauty

Missional Women – Faith Filled Fridays

Jennifer Miller at Scripture and a Snapshot

Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger

The Weekend Brew by Barbie

Shelly Hendricks at Renewed Daily (Recommendation Saturday)

Your turn: Add your link below. Don’t forget to copy the specific URL from your post. Talk to others.



  1. The rules don’t chsnge with each generation. Scripture makes it clear that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Also, God is not a man that He would change His mind. I honestly find no basis for argument here. Thank you, Janis! 🙂

  2. Great analogy, Janis! Praise God that He is unchanging! His Word is unchanging and guides us perfectly throughout all time, if we follow it. Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  3. Janis, I totally agree. God’s Word NEVER changes!!! If it did , then it wouldn’t be His Word or Truth. Thank you for this reminder to trust Him and not myself.

  4. Such a lovely reminder … on testing God like a toddler . and the song – the words and the melody – Thank you, Janis!

  5. Hi Janis~God’s word does not change with each generation. I wholeheartedly agree. Wasn’t that the problem the Israelites had at times? I must admit, though, there are times when I question God regarding something not written solidly in his word. An example~Are you sure God, I can’t say this to that person right now? That means I’m still trying to do things my way but trying to get God’s approval. Yeah, sometimes I’m like a two-year-old.

    1. Janis,
      If we stick with His Word and do not question it He knows we trust Him. And yes we don’t always do that. We are learning.

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